Richard Weston
Richard Weston was Professor of Architecture at Cardiff University. His books include...
Richard Yot
Richard Yot is an illustrator who works in both traditional print and...
Rita Isaac
Artist Rita Isaac was born in Portugal, where she studied Painting at...
Rob Hodgson
Rob Hodgson is an illustrator and designer with a deep interest in...
Rob Hodgson
Rob Hodgson was born in a seaside town in the south of...
Robert Dimery
Robert Dimery is a writer and editor. His previous publications include 1001...
Robert Shore
Robert Shore is the author of Post-Photography: The Artist with a Camera (2014)...
Robert Storr
Robert Storr, the preeminent art critic, curator and artist, is the former...
Robin Etherington
Robin Etherington is a children's author who has created graphic novels, comics...