“I knew there was more fun and excitement in life than I would have time to enjoy” Amelia Earhart
Today on the blog, we’re celebrating Amelia Earhart Day; meet a woman who was a pioneer, aviatrix (female pilot), explorer and convention breaker – and an inspirational and great life.

It's July 24th and we're celebrating the life of this truly remarkable explorer and pilot who didn’t want to be held back by anything; Amelia Earhart Day celebrates the day of her birth, and all of her remarkable achievements.
The first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean, Amelia Earhart was a superstar of aviation in the 1920s and 1930s and a pioneer of women's rights. Her disappearance in 1937, while attempting to fly around the world, remains an unsolved mystery, and fascination with her life, career, passions and her mysterious disappearance continues – with new theories, and exciting new ‘evidence’ coming to light even now, in 2018.
One of the launch titles in our brand new Little Guides to Great Lives, our Little Guide to Amelia Earhart will provide the perfect inspiration to help celebrate this day – and we have the perfect challenge for you, too, and it all centres around asking one key question:
Who do you want to be today?
Our challenges will make you think about the world around you in a different way; be as creative as you like and make the challenge your own - there is no one right way to answer the challenge.
Download your Amelia Earhart activity sheet here… And when you’re finished, print your very own Little Guides challenge certificate here!
You can add any thoughts about Amelia Earhart and her amazing legacy and share your own challenges on social media using #AmeliaEarhartDay
Discover the series!
Our Little Guides to Great Lives will entertain, inform and provide enquiring young minds with a whole host of inspiration, with full-color illustrations and fresh design that brings their incredible stories to life. Meet and be inspired by:
Little Guides to Great Lives is a brand-new series of small-format guides introducing children to the most inspirational figures from history in a fun, accessible way. Get curious and discover some truly great people from across history; inspiring lives that concentrated around the asking of important questions and the (often life-long) search for answers, to those that were obsessed with investigating how things work – from the natural to the man-made spheres, to lives of exploration and a focus on being adventurous, to working towards a fair society, to being the truest to your creative self that you can be.